We received a most heartfelt and meaningful gift. Our dear friends Vickie and Paul, who have cared for the animals while we were out of town, asked Paul's dad who is an artist to paint a replica of our new horse barn.
Those of you who are long-time page followers know how much time, and hard work we put into this barn. This was a family effort over a couple of years. Jim, the boys and I have put a lot of love into this barn.
So when they gave us the painting, those wonderful memories shared as a family working together on this barn, filled my heart and mind. The kindness and thoughtfulness behind such a precious gift is priceless.
Thank you Paul and Vickie, and to your father Paul. He has a God given talent. It is a beautiful gift. One we will cherish the rest of our lives.
"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul." Proverbs 27:9
What a blessing that is and nice to know others recognize the work your family put in on that barn!